Monday, October 12, 2009

it's a GIRL!

Wow, so I know it's been FOREVER since I've last blogged, but I'm back. Alot has happened since my last post. My belly is definitely getting bigger, I feel fantastic, and we found out a couple of weeks ago that we're having another girl. . .yay!!! More bows and frufruness. . .is that a word? Camryn is so excited. She kisses my belly and tells me that the baby is her "bess fran". It's so cute. I can't wait to see how loving and nurturing she'll be with her new little sister. She's gonna be the best big sister ever! I think Daddy was a little shocked to find out that it was a girl. He just "knew" that it was a boy. He's excited though. . . now that the shock has worn off. :) We do have a name for this little precious. . . .her name is Fallon Sophia. We wanted something that was different, but not too weird. Chad loves it, so that is HUGE. Even though she'll be wearing a bunch of Camryn's previous clothes, I can't help but want to buy her stuff when I go out. Those little tiny clothes are just too cute! I'm 21 weeks now, so we're over the half way mark. I hope the rest of the pregnancy goes as smoothly as the first half. I'm feeling GREAT!